Ranking machinery offer customized service for stainless steel vessels, tanks and kettles.
3000 Liter S.S 316 mixing Vessels reaction vessel tank reactor
Specification for 3000 Liter S.S 316 reaction Vessels
- Inner Tank Sheet Thickness;8 mm S.S. 316L
- Steam Coil; 4mm S.S. 304
- Cladding; 2.5mm S.S. 304
- Insulation; Rockwool 2"
- Inlet connections on Top; 4 Nos; 38mm each and 2 Nos; 100mm each
- Dish typed top and bottom
- 1 Nos. S.S. butterfly valve 316; 51mm for outlet drain
- Manhole 18", will be air tight having silicon gasket
- Eye glass for viewing will be supplied on the Manhole
- Stirrer 5 KW with refurbished gear box; 0-60 RPM
- Shaft sealing with mechanical seal
- Agitator Mixer; Anchor shape
- VFD drive (Delta brand)for variable speed
- Temperature display (digital) of processing material
- Inner surface; mirror polish and outer dull polish
Specification for 5000 Liter S.S 316 L Vessel
- Inner Tank Sheet Thickness;8 mm S.S. 316L
- Steam Limpet Coil; 4mm S.S. 304
- Cladding; 2.5mm S.S. 304
- Insulation; Rockwool 2"
- Inlet connections on Top; 4 Nos; 38mm each and 2 Nos; 100mm each
- Dish typed top and bottom
- 1 Nos. S.S. butterfly valve 316; 51mm for outlet drain
- Manhole 18", will be air tight having silicon gasket
- Eye glass for viewing will be supplied on the Manhole
- Stirrer 7.5 KW with refurbished gear box; 0-60 RPM
- Shaft sealing with mechanical seal
- Agitator Mixer; Anchor shape
- VFD drive (Delta brand)for variable speed
- Temperature display (digital) of processing material
- Inner surface; mirror polish and outer dull polish

1000L single wall juice storage reactor tank / 1000L heating tank / 1000L steam jacketed tank / 1000L vacuum mixing tank
offer customized made stainless reactor chemical reaction tank chemical reactiong vessel