500Liter batch pasteurizer fermenter two in one PLC control
Milk Batch Basteurizer Product Description Pasteurizer is stainless steel equipment with heating function. This device can heat milk to a suitable temperature (65~95 degree C) temperature for a certain period of time (10 seconds ~ 30 minutes). After pasteurization, users can cooling the pasteurized milkusing tap water or chilled water for a rapid cooling.The final temperature can be as low as 4 degree C.
Pasteurizer Structure This milk pasteurizer shown in this quotation sheet is a 100Liter batch pasteurizer. It is made of 3 walls including:
inner wall <contact to milk directly>
heating jacket <weld to the outside of the inner wall, the gas between the inner wall and this jacket will be filled with tap water when machine working>
outer wall <this is the outer shell of the pasteurizer, inside this shell, it is a 50mm thickness thermal insulation / preservation layer
Pasteurizer advantage This pasteurizer use electric to heat the water in insulated water tank. When water temperature is 95degree, users pump milk into the pasteurization tank to pasteurized the milk. There is a water pump to circulate the hot water between insulated water tank and the pasteurizer. After pasteurization finished, user's pump external tap water to precooling the pasteurized milk to 50 degree C and then start the compressor for a rapid cooling to 4 degree. Compared with other type if pasteurization equipment, this one have a low price while the cooling efficiency is high.